Malta Holiday Home Services

Property Owner Advice

Owners Information

Depersonalize your rental holiday home

There is a big difference between owning a second home for your own use and preparing the same property for letting as a holiday home. Many of the items you have in your second home are just not required in a rental home and simply increase your costs for no real benefit.

When checking you holiday home before renting for the first time, remove any items that you consider valuable or irreplaceable. This is not necessarily anything to do with monetary value, although that can be important as well, but is more about items with sentimental value. If you would not like to lose it, then remove it. It’s that simple. If possible, find a lockable cupboard to store any personal items.

Become a guest!

After removing your personal items, spend a few days living in the home and make a note of anything that needs attention. What rates as a minor annoyance for you may irritate the hell out of a guest! Simple things like not providing a corkscrew can leave a poor impression.

In your newly found personal items cupboard, keep a supply of spare cutlery and crockery, glasses, bedding, light bulbs, fuses and some basic tools.


There must be at least enough cutlery and crockery for the number of guests that can be accommodated. No need for any more as spares will be kept in your locked cupboard. Consider your market. For example, if catering for the British market, a tea pot should be provided. For many Europeans a quality coffee / espresso maker is essential. Provide enough pots, pans and cooking utensils to cater for the maximum number of guests. A dishwasher is almost an essential these days. Who wants to wash up when they are on holiday!

Dining area

Ensure that there is a table large enough for all your guests to sit together and enough chairs. You would be surprised how many owners overlook this. Consider supplying a high chair and travel cot for children to save parents the need to bring them.

Living area

All too often, there are not enough comfortable seats in the living areas of holiday homes, so make sure yours does. Don’t skimp by installing a tiny portable TV and do provide a DVD player. It is invaluable if the weather is inclement and your guests have children to keep entertained. If you can provide satellite TV, so much the better and WiFi is now a much sought after facility.


Provide quality bedding and make sure all beds have mattress and pillow protectors. Extra blankets are essential. We always recommend the use of duvet’s as opposed to sheets and blankets. Much easier for cleaning and remaking of the beds. Also, stick to white sheets and pillow cases throughout, but you can add some colour with bedspreads.


Provide a bath towel and hand towel per guest and make sure that bathrooms are spotlessly clean for the guests arrival.

Outside space

If you have outside space, provide tables and chairs so that the guests can make use of it. A barbecue would also be a good idea, but bear in mind the additional time and cost of keeping it clean.


Don’t forget the small things, like an iron and ironing board. If you have space for a washing machine and tumble dryer, so much the better. A supply of books, games and DVD’s is always appreciated, particularly for families. Although our first statement was to remove personal items, providing a small number of decorative items makes the home more than just a hotel room. A few vases and some books for example.


Consider what makes a rental home stand out for you and consider adding whatever that item(s) is.

Relax, you're in safe hands